Most plugins are designed to work with Mapbox GL JS, but should also work with TrackAsia GL JS.
User Interface Plugins (20)
Integrates with ARIA-compatible screen readers for users with visual impairments.
Adds controls for a ruler, style inspector, localization, and style switcher.
Adds a control to allow users to plot driving, walking, and cycling directions on the map.
Adds a control that exports the map as a PDF or images such as PNG, JPEG and SVG.
Map Rendering Plugins (7)
Hide and show traffic layers on your map with an optional toggle button.
Render a geographic flow map visualization from a spreadsheet published on Google Sheets.
Layer Types (4)
A library for retrieving features from FlatGeobuf file using a tiled approach. Compatible with TrackAsia GL JS and Mapbox GL JS.
A library for retrieving features from an ArcGIS FeatureServer or MapServer. This library makes tiled requests rather than simply requesting every feature.
A library for making it easier to use Esri services in TrackAsia GL JS. Supports Esri Map Services (dynamic & tiled), Esri Vector Tile Services & Esri Vector Basemap Styles.
A library for retrieving tiles from single-file, cloud-storage-optimized PMTiles archives, which don't require running a server or API.
Utility Libraries (9)
Converts GeoJSON styles with "simplestyle-spec" to a TrackAsia GL Style.
Determines if the current browser supports TrackAsia GL JS.
Manage layers, sources, and properties with syntactic sugar and convenience functions.
This library provides a request transforming function enabling the consumption of MapboxGL Styles in TrackAsiaGL.
Development Tools (5)
Adds an inspect control to view vector source features and properties.
A frames-per-seconds GUI control and measurer with statistic report output.