Add live realtime data
Use realtime GeoJSON data streams to move a symbol
on your map.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>Add live realtime data</title><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" /><script src="[email protected]/dist/trackasia-gl.js"></script><link href="[email protected]/dist/trackasia-gl.css" rel="stylesheet" /><style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }</style></head><body><div id="map"></div> <script>var map = new trackasiagl.Map({container: 'map',style: '',zoom: 2,center: {"lat":10.762622,"lng":106.660172}}); map.on('load', async () => {// Get the initial location of the International Space Station (ISS).const geojson = await getLocation();// Add the ISS location as a'iss', {type: 'geojson',data: geojson});// Add the rocket symbol layer to the{'id': 'iss','type': 'symbol','source': 'iss','layout': {'icon-image': 'rocket'}}); // Update the source from the API every 2 seconds.const updateSource = setInterval(async () => {const geojson = await getLocation(updateSource);map.getSource('iss').setData(geojson);}, 2000); async function getLocation(updateSource) {// Make a GET request to the API and return the location of the ISS.try {const response = await fetch('',{ method: 'GET' });const { latitude, longitude } = await response.json();// Fly the map to the{center: [longitude, latitude],speed: 0.5});// Return the location of the ISS as GeoJSON.return {'type': 'FeatureCollection','features': [{'type': 'Feature','geometry': {'type': 'Point','coordinates': [longitude, latitude]}}]};} catch (err) {// If the updateSource interval is defined, clear the interval to stop updating the source.if (updateSource) clearInterval(updateSource);throw new Error(err);}}});</script> </body></html>